unique boy names that end with n – meaning & orign

Baby boy names that end with ‘n’ are becoming popular. naming baby boy with names ending in n follow parent culture who want to give their children unusual names. There are many options for parents looking for unique baby boy names end with n, from masculine names to cute names that are just one or two syllables long. Unique boy names website Listed below some great names, so let’s start
Boy Names That End With N
Since 2011, four of the top ten boys’ names have ended with the letter ‘n.’ Popular names like Ethan, Aiden, and Mason are made up of ‘n’ as their final letter. The popularity of these names doesn’t stop there, though.

List of Boy Names That End With N
We prepared this awesome list of unique Baby boy names that end with n in addition to their Origin and meanings. such as Clayton is a unique and unusual name. It means “town on clay land.” Orson like orson wells is a French name that means “bear cub.” Other options are Quentin, which means fifth, and Rylan, which means ‘island meadow.’ Tristan is French and comes from the Celtic name Tristam. These names all have different meanings, so think carefully before choosing a name for your baby boy.
Name | origin | Meaning |
ACKERMAN | English | Man Of Oak |
Aahan | Hindi | Dawn / Morning |
AARON | Hebrew | High Mountain |
Aaron | Hebrew | High Mountain: Lofty Or Inspired. In The Bible Moses’ Brother Aaron Was Israel’s First High Priest And Is Remembered For His Staff Which Blossomed Miraculously. |
ABAN | Arabic | Old Arabic Name; Meaning Unknown |
Abarron | Hebrew | Father Of A Multitude |
ABBAN | Irish | Abbot ABRACHAM, BRAM |
Abbotson | Hebrew | Son Of Abbot |
ABBUDIN | Arabic | Worshippers |
Abd al Matin | Arabic | Servant Of The Strong |
Abd er Rahman | Arabic | Servant Of The Merciful One |
ABDIRAXMAN | African | Somali Equivalent Of Muslim, ABD AL RAHMAN, Meaning “servant Of The Mercifully Gracious.” |
ABDUL- MATIN | Arabic | Servant Of The Strong One |
ABEODAN | Anglo Saxon | Announce |
Abhainn | Scottish | River |
ABLENDAN | Anglo Saxon | Blind |
ABOOKSIGUN | Native American | Algonquin Name Meaning ” Wildcat.” |
Abran | Spanish | Variant Of Abram Meaning Exalted Father. |
Abrecan | Anglo Saxon | Storm |
Accalon | Arthurian | Lover Of Morgan Le Fay |
ACCALON | Arthurian | Lover Of Margan Le Fay (fifteenth Century) |
ACENNAN | Anglo Saxon | Brings |
ACHERON | Greek | Myth Name (river Of Woe) |
ACKERMAN | English | Man Of Oak |
ACTEON | Greek | Myth Name (a Hunter Torn Apart By His Own Dogs) |
ACWELLEN | Anglo Saxon | Kills |
Adalson | English | Son Of All |
Adalwin | German | Noble Friend |
Adamnan | Irish | Little Adam |
Adamson | English | Son Of Adam |
ADAN | African | Yoruba Of Nigeria Name Meaning “a Large Bat.”Also, The Spanish Equivalent Of Adam. |
Addison | English | Son Of Adam. |
ADEBEN | Egyptian | Born Twelfth |
ADIRAN | Basque | From The Adriatic |
Adkyn | English | Oaken |
ADORJAN | Hungarian | Hungarian Form Of Adrian (from The Adriatic) |
Adriaan | Dutch | Variant Of Adrian. From Adria. |
ADRIAN | African | A Name Used For The Nobility Class Of The Betsileo People Of Central Madagascar. |
ADWIN | African | Akan Of Ghana Word Meaning “artist” Or “thinker.” |
Aekerman | English | Man Of Oak |
Aeshan | Indian | In Gods Grace. |
AESON | Greek | Myth Name (father Of Jason) |
Aethelstan | Anglo Saxon | Name Of A King |
AGAMEMNON | Greek | Myth Name (leader Of The Greek Forces Against Troy) |
AGIEFAN | Anglo Saxon | Gives |
Agiefan | Anglo Saxon | Gives |
AGOSTON | Hungarian | Hungarian Form Of Gustaaf (staff Of The Gods) |
AGRAVAIN | Arthurian | Brother Of Gawain (thirteenth Century) |
AGRICAN | French | From The Field |
Agrican | French | From The Field |
Aguistin | Irish | Majestic |
Ahearn | Celtic | Lord Of The Horses |
Ahern | Celtic | Lord Of The Horses |
AHRIMAN | French | Legend Name |
Aidan | Celtic | Fire |
Aidrian | Irish | From The Adriatic |
Ailean | Scottish | Handsome |
Ailein | Scottish | From The Green Meadow |
Ailin | Irish | Handsome |
AKHENATEN | Egyptian | Devoted To Aten |
Alain | Arthurian | From Alain Le Gros One Of The Fisher Kings |
Alan | Celtic | Fair: Handsome. See Also Allen. |
Alanson | Celtic | Son Of Allan |
ALBION | Arthurian | Britain |
ALEYN | Arthurian | A Fisher King |
ALIN | Romanian | Rock; Comely |
Alpin | Scottish | Blond |
AMEN | Egyptian | Myth Name (god Of A United Egypt) |
Amhuinn | Scottish | From The Alder Tree River |
AN | Vietnamese | Peace, Peacefulness |
Anakin | American | Warrior |
Anderson | Scottish | Son Of Andrew |
ANTON | Romanian | Priceless |
ANTTON | Basque | Praiseworthy |
AODHHAN | Gaelic | Ardent |
ARDEN | Arthurian | Meaning Unknown |
AREN | Danish | Eagle |
Ariyan | East Indian | 0 |
ARLEN | Gaelic | Pledge |
ARMEN | Armenian | Armenian |
ARMIN | Swiss | Warrior |
Ashlan | Australian | Unknown |
Ashvin | Hindi | “A Cavalier, Horse Rider. Singular For Healing Deities In Hindu Pantheon Of Gods.” |
ATEN | Egyptian | Myth Name (sun-disk) |
BAIN | Gaelic | Lives Near The Clear Stream |
BALDUIN | Danish | Danish Form Of Bartholomew (farmer) |
BANAIN | Gaelic | Little Blond One |
BARAN | Gaelic | Noble Warrior |
BARTALAN | Hungarian | Hungarian Form Of Bartholomew (farmer) |
BEAGAN | Gaelic | Little One |
BEALANTIN | Gaelic | Gaelic Form Of Ballantine (brave) |
BEDROSIAN | Armenian | Descended From Peter (rock) |
BENDISION | Chamoru | Chamoru Spanish, “blessed.” |
BINGEN | Basque | Conquers |
Bjorn | Scandinavian | Pronounced |
BODGAN | Romanian | Gift Of God |
BOTAN | Japanese | Peony |
Brychan | Welsh | 0 |
BURIAN | Slavic | He Lives Near The Weeds CASIMIR |
Caden | Welsh | Spirit Of Battle. |
CALIN | Romanian | Meaning Unknown |
CATALIN | Romanian | Pure |
CHAN | Hindi | Shining CHANDER |
CHEN | Chinese | Great, Vast |
CHIEN | Vietnamese | Fight, Battle, Combat |
CHRISTIAN | Danish | Believes In Christ |
CHRISTIANSEN | Danish | Son Of The Christian |
CHRISTOFFERSON | Danish | Son Of Christoffer |
CODRIN | Romanian | Meaning Unknown |
Colwyn | Welsh | A River In Wales. |
COSMIN | Romanian | Meaning Unknown |
CRISPIN | Swiss | Curly-haired |
DAC KIEN | Vietnamese | Acquired View Or Knowledge |
Daijon | American | Gods Gift Of Hope. |
Dainan | Australian | Kind Hearted. |
DAMON | Latin | Loyal Friend DANAUS |
DEHAAN | Dutch | Cock |
DEMAN | Dutch | Tame |
DICKRAN | Armenian | Name Of A King |
DIEN | Vietnamese | Farm, Farming |
Dillan | Welsh | Sea God. Variant Of Dylan |
Dravin | American | 0 |
DUMAN | Turkish | Misty; Smoky |
DUSAN | Slavic | God Is My Judge |
Dylan | Welsh | Man From The Sea |
Eithan | Australian | Strong & Proud |
ERROMON | Basque | From Rome |
ERVIN | Hungarian | Mariner |
ESPEN | Dutch | Bear Of God |
FACHNAN | Irish | Saint Name FAGAN, HAGAN |
GELDERSMAN | Dutch | From Guelders |
GODEWYN | Dutch | Good Friend |
GOTZON | Basque | Messenger |
HADWIN,HADWYN | Teutonic | Friend In War HAGAN,HAGEN |
HAMILTON | Scottish | From Hameldone HARAILT |
Hanson | Scandinavian | “Son Of Hans (also Hansen, Hanssen, And Hansson)” |
HAROUTYOUN | Armenian | Resurrection |
Haydn | Old German | Heathen Or Fire. |
HEIKKINEN | Finnish | Surname Meaning “son Of Henry” |
HIEN | Vietnamese | Nice, Kind, Gentle |
HOBEN | Chamoru | Chamoru Spanish, “youthful; Vigorous.” |
HOVAN | Armenian | God’s Gift |
Husnain | Persian | 0 |
IVAN | Russian | Russian Form Of John (gracious Gift From God) JASHA |
Izaan | Muslim | Obedience. |
IZMIRLIAN | Armenian | From Izmir |
Jadarian | African American | 0 |
Jaidon | American | “Heard By God. Alternate Spelling: Jayden, Jaden.” |
Jamarreon | American | Strong Willed. |
JAN | Dutch | Dutch Form Of John, “the Lord Is Gracious.” |
JAN | Scandinavian | Dutch Form Of John, “the Lord Is Gracious.” |
JANSON | Scandinavian | Son Of Jan |
Javin | American | 0 |
JOBEN | Japanese | Enjoy Cleanness |
Jovon | Latin | Majestic. |
Kadan | Japanese | Companion. |
KAEMON | Japanese | Joyful; Righthanded; Old Samurai Name |
Kalyan | Sanskrit | Auspicious |
KAMLYN | Japanese | Variant Of Kami, “Lord.” |
KANNAN | Hindi | A Form Of Krishna. KAPIL |
KANNON | Japanese | Form Of Kuan-yin Who Was The Chinese Buddhist Deity Of Mercy. |
KARAYAN | Armenian | Dark |
Kasen | Scandinavian | Pure |
Kaydin | Welsh | “Fighter Or Companion. Variant Of Kaden, Caden, Caiden, Kaiden.” |
KEMEN | Basque | Strong |
Keyon | Old English | “Guiding, Leading. Alternate Spellings: Kieon, Key.” |
Khenan | Jamaican | The Rising Sun. |
Kian | Persian | Kings |
KIRAN | Hindi | Beam Of Light KISTNA |
KORIAN | Armenian | Name Of A Historian |
KUAN-YIN | Chinese | Buddhist Deity Of Mercy. |
Kyan | African American | Little King |
Kynan | Welsh | “Chief, Wisely Intelligent.” |
Kyran | Persian | Lord Sir |
Larson | Scandinavian | Variant Of Larsen: Son Of Lars |
LIAN | Chinese | Unisexual Name Meaning “the Graceful Willow” |
Louden | Old English | Wolf Valley. |
MABON | Welsh | Legend Name (son Of Modron) MABSANT |
Macsen | Welsh | Variant Of Maximus. Meaning |
Matthan | Old English | Gift Or Hope Of The Lord |
MUSTANEN | Finnish | Surname Meaning “black” |
MYRON | Aramaic | Myrrh; Sweet Oil |
NISHAN | Armenian | Sign |
Oluwatosin | Yoruba | The Lord Is Worthy To Be Served |
ONAN | Turkish | Prosperous |
PARLAN | Aramaic | Ploughman |
PARTHALAN | Aramaic | Ploughman |
PIRMIN | Swiss | Meaning Unknown |
Poston | Old French | Gatekeeper |
QUIRIN | Swiss | Possibly A Variant Of Quirinus, Name Of A War God |
Roshan | Sanskrit | Illumination |
SEPPANEN | Finnish | Surname Meaning “smith” |
SEVILIN | Turkish | Beloved |
SION | Armenian | A Form Of John |
Telen | Australian | 0 |
Vojin | Serbian | “Protector, Soldier, Peace Maker.” |
Classic boy names end with n also are very good choice and never go out of style. The names that end with N are not just enduring, but also have deep meanings. Dan, which means “leader” in English, Ethan, which means “small blond soldier,” and Ian, which means “gift of God.” These names are all great choices, but they’re not particularly common. These names are great for parents who have an adventurous spirit.
if you are a fan of Irish culture you can also find many of irish boy names that end with n. like Eamon is a derivative of the English Edmund but is similar to Damon. Eamon means “rich protector.” Though it’s relatively uncommon in the U.S., it’s still a unique choice and is a good option for parents looking for a boy’s name with a traditional meaning.
Read More unique names that start with a c
n names for boys video
I hope we have provided some good ideas that can help you in getting a unique name for your little boy by our list.
You can also take a look other options that you may like soft boy names or boy names that end with a